See It! Believe It! Achieve It!
Our program
SMSS is a free program, that offers first-time and returning single mother students an opportunity to enhance and/or discover their academic and career potential. We offer two required workshop series to facilitate academic, personal and professional success. SMSS program participants meet one to five times per month at the CARE Community Center. In order to facilitate success, Single Mothers Student Success provides the following supportive programs:
Arriving Ready for Academic Success (ARAS)
SMSS promotes and supports the success of our future scholars by providing a required 16-week Arriving Ready for Academic Success (ARAS) workshop series. The workshop series provides an orientation to academic strategies and behaviors necessary for academic success and retention in a post-secondary environment. Emphasis is placed on critical thinking, goal setting, note taking, time management, self-assessment and reflection, study skills, education and career pathways.
It Takes a Village (ITAV)
Our required It Takes a Village (ITAV) enrichment workshops are designed to further educate, equip and empower student mother scholars, with topics useful to mothers of varies ages and interest. These include, but are not limited to health and well-being, career-readiness and application topics, parenting with purpose, and financial management. The workshops are delivered in collaboration with local businesses, churches, and other non-profit organizations that provide subject matter expertise, knowledge and skills.
Additional Program Benefits
In addition, to our skill-building and enrichment workshops we provide family-orientated gatherings, coaching, student-mother material support, community service opportunities and a supportive network of like-minded peers.